
September 2023


If you’ve been considering making the switch to electric vehicles (EVs), you may be wondering what it takes to make your home EV-friendly. Installing a charging station for your EV is an important part of taking the plunge into eco-friendly living, but there are so many options available that it can be difficult to know where to start. Don’t worry – we’ve got all the information you need right here! Keep reading to learn more about why installing a Home EV Charging Station is great for both your wallet and our environment.

  1. Home electric vehicles charging stations are a great way to reduce your environmental impact

With the rising awareness of environmental issues, reducing our environmental impact has become a priority for many individuals. Home electric vehicle charging stations are one of the best ways to do this. Electric vehicles can be charged overnight in homes or apartments, utilizing relatively clean sources of electricity such as wind or solar power. Furthermore, they reduce emissions compared to traditional gas-powered cars and do not require regular maintenance. With home electric vehicle charging stations becoming more accessible and affordable, it is becoming easier for people to make the switch to more environmentally-friendly transportation.

  1. They’re also a great way to save money on energy costs

Home electric vehicle charging stations have become increasingly popular due to their capability to help reduce energy costs over the long run. Not only are these charging stations convenient for all electric vehicles, but they require less energy from the power grid. This means that more energy is saved and families can benefit from lower electricity bills in the long-term. Furthermore, many homeowners are able to claim various state and local incentives when installing home electric vehicle charging stations, which helps save extra money. All of this makes home electric vehicles charging stations a great investment for anyone looking for a cost saving measure in energy expenditure.

  1. Installing a home electric vehicle charging station can also increase the value of your home.

Installing a home electric vehicle charging station is an excellent way to make sure you have the ability to charge your vehicle at any hour, while also proving to be beneficial for potential buyers down the road. Not only does having a charging station installed indicate that your home is equipped with the latest electrical advancements, but it also increases the overall value of your home as well. By having an added bonus such as this, you may be able to command a higher price for your property when it’s time to move out or if it’s up on the market for selling purposes. It’s a subtle, yet advantageous addition to an already great home package.

Home EV charging stations are a great investment for any homeowner. Not only do they save you money on your electricity bill, but they also help the environment by reducing emissions from gas-powered cars. If you’re interested in saving money and doing your part for the planet, installing a home EV charging station is the way to go.

How does your school and district keep track of digital devices? In the excitement of getting new technology, sometimes, the decision on how to best manage assets is an afterthought. IT asset management is a crucial part of any plan for purchasing and distributing IT assets to students and staff members in your school community. And skipping this step can be a costly mistake for school districts.

Regular readers of the blog might remember my conversation on the podcast with Dean Bates at VIZOR. Last year we spoke about device management. IT asset management is an essential part of keeping a school and district running smoothly. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at why this is so important for K-12 institutions. And we’ll explore some of the ways VIZOR can support your community this school year.

IT Asset Management - Infographic

Why IT Asset Management is Important for K-12 Schools

What is IT asset management? IT asset management refers to how you keep track of all the devices. Specifically, the devices your school or district uses and distributes to students and staff members. If you’re in charge of this task right now, or your school or district has ever issued you a device, then you know that this is a complicated process. Especially if you don’t have the right tools to stay organized.

Let’s look at five reasons why IT asset management is vital for every K-12 school.

Losses Add Up

Whether you manage a few hundred or tens of thousands of IT assets, a loss is a loss. For example, schools can lose track of devices when they don’t use a system for management and tracking. Or the system they are using isn’t up to the task (see the spreadsheets section below).

If a school or district doesn’t have a formal process to monitor device collection, losses can add up. For example, what happens when a student is withdrawn from a school or moves to another district? Is there a process for the bumps in the road that occur mid-year? Such as moments when students switch schools or when new devices are distributed, and older ones are collected?

Although the numbers associated with losses might be higher in communities with a larger student population, this isn’t just an issue for big districts. Dean Bates from VIZOR shared observations from his work. He said, “We often speak with relatively small schools which lose 10 to 20 devices a year. With the average direct cost of a device around $250, plus setup and maintenance costs, losing even this modest number of devices can cost a school in excess of $6,000 per year.”

Learn more about VIZOR here >>

Easier Grant Funding Reporting

Avoiding costly losses might be the top reason on your list. But it’s not the only reason to consider reviewing your current IT asset management process. Another issue school districts face is tackling the challenge of reporting how federal Title I and IDEA funding has been used. If you have worked in a school or district where this type of reporting is required, you know that it is important that your numbers are up-to-date.

Schools need to ensure that certain funding sources are only used for specific purposes and by specific students related to that funding source. For example, if your school or district has purchased devices with funding from a grant that can only be used in a certain way (such as special education support), failure to comply with this can result in a loss of funding. An IT asset management tool can provide a school or district with a central inventory. This allows them to easily report on how state and federal funding grants have been used.

Spreadsheets Aren’t Enough

I love Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. But if you’re serious about ensuring your IT asset management is effective, these types of spreadsheets simply aren’t enough. Unlike spreadsheets, schools and districts can ensure data is always accurate and updated in real-time.

For example, teachers, librarians, and media specialists can easily check out devices to students with a barcode scanner. This streamlined process ensures the data in VIZOR is always accurate. You can get a snapshot of all of the devices from your school and district at once. Unfortunately, schools often struggle with this when using spreadsheets for asset management. Spreadsheets might feel like a quick fix that can’t keep up for the long term.

K-12 Environments Have Specific Needs

Suppose you’ve tried a more general-purpose IT asset management solution – like one used in a corporate environment. You know that these often don’t address all of the needs a school and district has for asset management. Unlike a general-purpose IT asset management solution, VIZOR has been explicitly designed with and for K-12 schools and districts.

VIZOR includes best practice out-of-box workflows for K-12 asset management processes. What does this look like in action? VIZOR takes care of asset management needs specific to schools and districts. This can include one-to-one device checkout, repair fee calculations, and even device loans and swaps. This means that a school and district can quickly and easily see which student has which device at a particular time. VIZOR can even remotely disable Chromebooks that aren’t returned, too. This option can encourage a student to return the device that no longer has value when disabled.


Answer Every Question

Educators who take on the task of distributing devices have probably fielded questions about where a particular device is, how many devices have been broken, and other common questions. In addition to knowing who has the device and where it’s located, schools and districts can also use VIZOR to keep track of all inventory details relating to the asset.

So if you have gotten questions on information about warranty details, lifecycle status, or other pieces of purchase information, VIZOR can keep track of this, too. The data they gather and organize can also include hardware-specific details such as make, model, and even Auto Update Expiration (AUE) date. And VIZOR can even help educators get in front of common questions from families. It will automate processes such as emailing reminders to families when devices need to be returned.

Setting Up IT Asset Management

There are many reasons why IT asset management is essential for K-12 schools. From large school districts with tens of thousands of devices to small schools with just a few hundred students can make significant savings by implementing IT asset management processes. Instead of trying to set up something on the fly (aka using spreadsheets), districts can adopt  tools such as VIZOR, which have these processes built-in.

Whether you’re using Chromebooks, projectors, SMART Boards, or iPads, VIZOR has you covered. Use this link to connect with a VIZOR team member to see how they can support your teachers and students this school year. This link will take you to a special page to request a demo or simply learn a bit more about all that they do to help schools and districts.


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If you had an auto accident, you might be involved in a Car Insurance Claim after the accident. When you file an injury claim, some vital evidence must be recorded. The type of evidence gathered will depend on the injuries’ severity and the property damage. Here are the most common types of evidence in a car accident claim.

1. Photograph

As explains, photographs are probably the most common type of evidence you need when filing a claim after a car accident. A good picture can provide details that may otherwise be left out of your personal injury claim. Whether it’s a picture of an automobile, the road, or other property involved in the accident, having photographic evidence will certainly benefit your case. It’s important to take pictures as soon as possible after the accident takes place.

2. Witness Statements

If you’re involved in an accident, other people will also be involved. You’ll have to gather witness statements from any witnesses to the accident. If you have no witnesses or if your witnesses refuse to provide a statement, you’ll need to speak with law enforcement officers who were present when the accident occurred. The more evidence that backs up your personal injury claim, the better off you’ll be in court.

3. Personal Injuries and Medical Reports

After an accident, be sure to get to a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor’s report is usually the most vital piece of evidence in your car accident claim. If you suffer a physical injury, your doctor will detail the extent of your injuries and what may have caused them. You’ll need this information to provide in your personal injury claim. It’s also important to have any medical bills you received due to the accident submitted with your car accident claim.

4. Police Statement

When you contact the police, be sure to provide them with any evidence that may be helpful in their investigation. This evidence could include photographs, witness statements, and other information. The police will provide a statement of the accident that outlines what happened and the parties involved in the accident. The police will also inform you what kind of compensation you’re eligible for.

5. Property Damage

If your car is damaged in an accident, you’ll need to file a statement with the police outlining the extent of the damage and who is responsible for it. The other party’s insurance company will compensate you for any property damage to your car. If your car is completely totaled, there may not be much that can be done to salvage it beyond replacing it with another car. This is an important piece of evidence in your car accident claim because it will determine how much you’ll receive for the damages.
Gathering all of this critical evidence after a car accident is important. If you fail to provide evidence, your case won’t be as strong and could be dismissed. You don’t want this to happen because you could face unnecessary legal costs and fees due to lack of evidence. Speaking with an attorney before you file any injury claim after an accident is a good idea. An attorney can advise you on the type of evidence most important in your car accident claim and what you’re eligible for.

We have seen strength in the Chinese tech sector finally after more than 2 years of selling.

What is the outlook for the Hang Seng Index now and the reasons for this reversal?

More importantly, can it continue in 2023 and what are the top Chinese Tech stocks to watch for more upside?

Think Alibaba, Tencent etc.. stocks that have sold off by more than 60% from their peak in end 2020..


Watch this video as I share my analysis on some of the most popular Chinese tech stocks listed on the HK exchange..

This year could potentially be a BULLISH one for them….. FINALLY…

Definitely seeing some signs of reversal coming back but we still need more confirmation..

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Martin Saunders, CEO of EdShed, along with Maggie Moosvi, Curriculum Director of EdShed, to hear from these former educators about the science of reading and the exciting ways technology can support effective spelling instruction in the classroom.

Listen to the podcast episode on your favorite platform:

Spelling, Technology & Classroom Tips

  • Look at spelling as an essential component of literacy instruction.
  • Provide a gamified experience for students.
  • Use data you collect to make decisions.
  • Let kids practice with more consistency.
  • Use digital tools to boost your own efficiency.

Sponsored by EdShed

This episode is sponsored by Spelling Shed from EdShed. Spelling Shed is a spelling curriculum based on the science of reading and supported by a free-to-use gamified digital spelling platform. Go to to learn more about the product and try out the free spelling practice games.

Follow & Review on Apple Podcasts

Have you subscribed to the podcast yet? I don’t want you to miss an episode and hope you’ll keep following along with me on this podcast journey. When you follow along on Apple Podcasts the new episodes will appear in the app so you don’t have to remember to go looking for them… Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts! And if you have a minute for a BIG favor, add a rating and review to the podcast, too — I would certainly appreciate it!

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Leaders strive to be known for creating spaces where people feel understood, important, and celebrated

Paul Henken

University of Tennessee College of Law, Class of 2025

It is universally agreed that Fred Rogers was everyone’s neighbor.

Fred Rogers (known to millions as Mister Rogers) hosted children’s TV shows from the 1960s to early 2000s that educated virtually every business leader, school administrator, and politician who shapes our world today. This outsize influence came as no accident for the larger-than-life figure who connected with others in unique and special ways. Rogers was memorable, sincere, and above all else, a trustworthy companion to those who watched his shows.

Ask any leader what superpower they wish they had (or had more of) and virtually all will answer with some variation of “empathy” or “connecting with others.” Leaders, now more than ever, are judged by how their conduct inspires others to bring their true selves to work and be comfortable in environments that might be daunting, uninviting, or intimidating. Leaders strive to be known for creating spaces where people feel understood, important, and celebrated. Doing so is difficult to pull off, even for Mister Rogers.

Early in his career, a frustrated Fred Rogers was struggling to find the secret to connecting with children through television, so he turned to friends for help. Rogers asked Gabby Hayes, a prominent actor known for playing the ever-loyal character in western films, what Hayes thought about when looking into the camera. Hayes responded, “one little buckaroo.”

Who was this “one little buckaroo” that Hayes was trying to connect with? Undeniably, “one little buckaroo” was more than just another cowboy to Hayes, whose characters embodied the trust and sincerity that Rogers was after. Hayes achieved these traits and connections by steering away from generic performances that get lost against the backdrop of the other generic performances people encounter every day. Instead, Hayes created memorable and sincere connections with his audience by focusing on the omnipresent, most important person in the room – that one little buckaroo. His advice to Rogers: “to connect with others, make them the most important in the room.”

Armed with this advice, Rogers crafted every single detail in his shows around one person: that one little buckaroo. Rogers distilled his scripts to simple language that children could follow. His speech slowed, so that no child would be left behind. His actions became methodical and deliberate so children would not be distracted or startled by quick scene changes. Rogers obtained the superpower of empathy simply by inviting others to enter into a world where they were celebrated, worth everything, and the most important person in the room.

A senior executive at a previous employer of mine once quoted Fred Rogers, saying “the most important person in the room is the person right in front of you.” We can all think about two scenarios: one where someone made us feel like just another person in the room and another where someone made us feel like the most important person in the room.

Next time you find yourself struggling to connect with others, ensure those around you feel understood, important, and celebrated. Think about that one little buckaroo and make them the most important person in the room.


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DIAMOND BAR, Calif. – All-new, behind-the-scenes footage and exclusive interviews from the newest SEMA Battle of the Builders competition will premiere on January 28, 2023, at 9:00 am (EST) on the History Channel’s Drive Block and A+E Network’s FYI.


“SEMA: Battle of the Builders, Presented by Mothers High Performance Car Care” began with 240-plus vehicle builders and culminated during the 2022 SEMA Show last November in Las Vegas, Nev. In addition to featuring the winner and finalists, the one-hour television special highlights many new, up-and-coming builders and includes all-new stories and footage chronicling their journeys to the SEMA Show.


“This was one of the best and most exciting SEMA Battle of the Builders competition yet,” said RJ de Vera, SEMA vice president of marketing and communications. “The TV special is a chance for those who did not attend the SEMA Show to see what happened at the Show, and for those at the Show to relive the excitement and even discover some of what they may have missed.”


Since 2015, the SEMA Battle of the Builders competition has shined the light on vehicle builders who have already proven their talents by showcasing their vehicles at the SEMA Show. With the world’s best vehicle builders competing against one another, the contest is considered by many to be the ultimate battle.


The television program is hosted by Adrienne Janic and Tanner Foust, and features Cam Miller, Ryan Basseri, Jeremiah Prophet, and Kyle Kuhnhausen as industry experts selecting the top 12 builders in four categories: Hot Rod/Hot Rod Truck; Sport Compact, Luxury & Exotics; 4-Wheel Drive & Off-Road; and Young Guns, a category for builders age 29 and under. Viewers will see the judges narrow the competitors down to 12, and then the top 12 finalists vie amongst themselves to select the final winner.


For more information about the SEMA Battle of the Builders, visit


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Chain reaction car accidents don’t happen often. When one car strikes another, that’s not what accident reconstruction experts working for insurance companies call chain reactions. Instead, the term means one car hitting another, and then those vehicles striking additional ones after that.

A chain reaction car accident might involve three vehicles, or four, or more than that. Chain reaction car accidents can harm you and your passengers, and your life might look dramatically different after one occurs.

We’ll talk about a few ways your life can change after these accidents right now.

You Might Sustain a Temporary Injury

If a car strikes your vehicle and other cars after that, you might sustain an injury. Whiplash often happens if a car hits your vehicle from behind. You also might suffer bruises, cuts, or other temporary injuries.

Temporary injuries cause pain and suffering, but they heal. You might have to alter your normal routine for a while. You may need to stay home from the gym or work from home rather than go to the office.

You will recover in time, though, and that’s what truly matters. You may feel upset the accident occurred, but hopefully, you won’t sustain any long-lasting damage.

You Might Sustain a Permanent Injury

If you get in a bad chain reaction car accident, you might sustain a permanent injury. That’s obviously worse than an injury that heals quickly.

Permanent injury occurs more often with chain reaction car accidents if a vehicle hits you with extreme velocity. High-velocity accidents might happen because of driver inattention or poor weather conditions.

If you sustain a permanent injury, you might have to adjust your life significantly. Maybe you can’t walk anymore, and you need to use a wheelchair from now on. Perhaps you must walk with a cane, and you can only do that after attending physical therapy sessions for many months.

Permanent injuries are challenging, and you will need your family and friends backing you up. Their unwavering support can help you as you learn how to cope with your new situation.

You Might Experience Anxiety or Depression

Anxiety and depression are both possible after chain reaction car crashes. Maybe your injuries force you to skip family events for months afterward. You may also not enjoy life like you did before.

You may have to attend therapy sessions to talk with a mental health professional. You can explain how you feel unsafe in vehicles. You may shake when you get behind the wheel. This shows you’re not over the event yet.

The therapist might suggest meditation or antianxiety medication. They might ask that you continue talking to them until you show improvement.

You may also sleep poorly after the accident. Insomnia can make you miserable. In some instances, your therapist can give you medication for that problem as well.

You Can’t Return to Work

Maybe you liked your job, and you enjoyed spending time there. After the accident, you may not return for months or possibly ever again.

You might take on a different job in your same field. You’ll need to consider your skill set and what you can do with your new limitations.

You might work from home at your job if your boss allows that. You can work from home in many positions these days, but not all of them. Sometimes, you must attend work to do it, and working from home isn’t possible.

You might reexamine your work life following the accident. Perhaps you can do something else if you have to abandon your profession. You may find something else you like just as much, though. That’s a 

possible silver lining if this accident type occurs.

You Might Take Public Transportation Going Forward

You may also survive your crash with minor injuries, but when you heal, you don’t want to drive anymore. Maybe the wreck totaled your car, and now you take the bus or train instead.

Car ownership can help you because you can use your car to get around. However, it has some drawbacks, so you might enjoy not owning a vehicle. You won’t have car payments, insurance payments, gas payments, etc.

Chain reaction car crashes can change your life for a while, or they can change it permanently. You will doubtless need resolve to get through this challenge.

You can do it with the tools we mentioned. In time, you can look back on this unpleasant memory, but it won’t control you.


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In this episode, educator and author Carrie Rogers-Whitehead joins to discuss the meaning of digital citizenship, including how to embed this practice across diverse learning environments and subject areas. You’ll hear how her book Deepening Digital Citizenship, with co-author Dr. Vanessa Monterosa, promotes equitable access to all students and guides the process of crafting inclusive policies to promote digital citizenship systemwide.

Listen to the podcast episode on your favorite platform:

Tips for Exploring the Meaning of Digital Citizenship

  • Review the ISTE Standards.
  • Knowledge is the first step.
  • Pick a skill to focus on .
  • Look at risk factors that cause a behavior.
  • Connect AI to media literacy skills.

Sponsored by my Planner Pages

This episode is sponsored by my free weekly planner pages! I’ve created a downloadable set of planner pages for you that you can start using today. It’s a great way to stay organized in the new year or any time you like. Print them out to write in your daily schedule and tasks, or use the file on your tablet or computer to keep track of your to-do list and set your priorities each day. These planner pages are totally free, and you can find them at

Follow & Review on Apple Podcasts

Have you subscribed to the podcast yet? I don’t want you to miss an episode and hope you’ll keep following along with me on this podcast journey. When you follow along on Apple Podcasts the new episodes will appear in the app so you don’t have to remember to go looking for them… Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts! And if you have a minute for a BIG favor, add a rating and review to the podcast, too — I would certainly appreciate it!

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As a kid, did you ever dream of fixing vehicles or putting cars together? As you grew up, did your fascination with everything mechanical continue to grow and develop? If so, then you might be destined to be an auto mechanic. Working as a mechanic can be a rewarding, long-term career opportunity. It comes with a lot of responsibility and can be plenty of fun—particularly if you’re a hands-on person. Mechanics need certain tools, but might not know where to begin, especially if they work independently from a shop. In this article, we’ll tell you about five essential tools to have in your workshop. Let’s get ready to work!


If you’re going to work on vehicles, having some sort of lighting is vital. Because vehicles have so many dark areas, good light will make a big difference as you work on a car. Under hood lights are pretty much a necessity for your workshop. A well-lit space is also crucial to prevent injury and perform work correctly. Instead of using antiqued, unsafe work lights, use LEDs instead. LEDs are safer, last longer, and don’t cost much. LEDs are more energy efficient too. An LED offers better lighting and higher lumens suitable for any job. Many LED work lights are rechargeable and rugged, making them perfect for any workshop or garage.

Pneumatic Jack

Every mechanic should have a jack. Not only do mechanics work on engines, but they also need to get under the vehicle for certain repairs. No one can change a tire or wheel without a jack. But instead of relying on a standard jack for your workshop, go with a pneumatic jack instead. Instead of your typical jack that requires manual labor to lift something, the pneumatic jack uses air pressure to effortlessly lift heavy vehicles from the floor. It’s almost magical in the performance of this task. Auto mechanics can also benefit from them due to their durability and exceptional precision/control. These jacks tend to be safer than other types of jacks and are essential to any workshop where heavy objects require lifting.

Hand Tools

Hand tools are some of the most essential items to have in any workshop. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, weekend builder, contractor, or mechanic, filling your toolbox with the right tools is critical to get any job done. When it comes to the best mechanics tools, you have plenty of fantastic options. Here are just a few of the necessary and useful tools every mechanic (or enthusiast) should have on hand:

  • Drills
  • Impact drivers
  • Pry bars
  • Allan wrenches
  • Ratchet
  • Pliers
  • Heavy scissors
  • Crescent wrenches
  • Adjustable wrenches
  • Socket sets
  • Ratchet
  • Hammers

Hand tool sets offer many of these items, but it’s up to you to cultivate the storage and types of items you use in your workshop. Don’t forget to keep personal protective gear on hand as well. Rubber and leather gloves are a must if you’re dealing with any kind of dangerous materials. Face protection and eye protection is a good idea anytime you’re working. Feel your workshop with the right-hand tools and you’ll be able to get the job done right every time.

Pressure Bleed System

Working on cars requires draining certain parts of the engine at different times. Oil and cooling systems are high-pressure but are simple enough to do. Draining brake fluid out of the brake system requires a bit more than us. That’s where your pressure bleed system comes in handy. Pressure bleed systems are specifically designed to help you bleed brake fluid during routine repairs/maintenance. You could manually bleed brakes. But that’s time-consuming and not as much fun as using tools to do it. Adding one to your workshop can help you save a ton of time and energy while making most brake maintenance a breeze.

Extra Buckets and Matstools

Draining oil. Replacing oil filters. Changing brake pads. As a mechanic, you’re going to be getting dirty. It’s going to be on the floor working on things quite frequently. You’ll also need a place to store all the fluids you drain from a vehicle. So, it stands to reason that extra buckets in math would be a good idea. Even if you have a pit already built into your workshop/garage, you can never have too many buckets. Of course, the number of buckets used is largely dependent on the type of work you do. But when it comes to keeping cars in good working order and decent shape, you’ll want to ensure you have the tools necessary to do so.


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